How can i help you?

I am Amalia and in my (long) search for meaning, I discovered that helping others overcome life's challenges and learning new coping skills  fulfills me and brings meaning to my life. I am a woman and a mother, once divorced and now in a patchwork multicultural family, with 20+ years business career in multicultural surroundings.

Psychological counseling in a safe and non-judgemental space

I target an integrative approach that combines ideas and techniques from different therapeutic schools,  depending on the unique needs of a given client.

I am specialized in diverse individual and couples areas, based on the recurring needs of my customers: 

Acculturation Psychology => understanding and preparing the process of social, psychological, and cultural change that occurs as a result of blending between cultures. 

Systemic Counseling=> focuses on understanding relationships between individuals and their situations, including context, rules, boundaries, and communication.

Couples & Sexuality =>management of relationship issues, including recurring conflicts, overpassing an affair, issues related to sexuality. 

With an holistic view, we will look together at your thoughts, feelings, physical sensations and interactions and we will drive positive change in the areas you need. 

My sessions are held in Romanian, English or  German.

My curriculum

  • 2024 - Rethink Desire Class, Esther Perel
  • 2024 - Somatic Experiencing Trainning 
  • 2023 - 2024 - Systemic Counseling for Individuals, Families and Couples
  • 2023 - 2020 -  M.S.c Clinical Psychology and Psychological Empowerment, MEU University, München. BDP certified.
  •  2021 - Sexual Therapy, Sexology Institute, Romania  
  • 2021- Motivational Interviewing Training, USA
  • 2020-2019 - Human Resources development, Deutsche Akademie für Management, Berlin
  • 2020 - Psychological First Aid, John Hopkins University
  • 2020 - Gestalt Therapy Techniques, John Academy, UK
  • 2019-2016 - University of Psychology, BSc,Bucharest
  • 2017-2016 - Transactional analysis, Bucharest