How can i help you?

I am Amalia and in my (long) search for meaning, i found helping people overpass life's difficulties and learning new coping strategies is what fulfills me and brings value to my life. 

My contribution to the society and Planet Earth is therefore “Losing myself in the help of others“ (Mahatma Gandhi).

Psychological counseling in a safe and non-judgemental space

I am a woman and a mother, once divorced and now in a patchwork multicultural family, with 20+ years business career in multicultural surroundings. 

My main specialization is in Systemic Counseling, which focuses on understanding relationships between individuals and their situations, including context, rules, boundaries, and communication. With an holistic view, we will look together at your thoughts, feelings, physical sensations and interactions and we will drive positive change in the areas you need. 

One thing became obvious in my research while working on my Clinical Psychology degree: newcomers get more social integration support but less psychological care. Being exposed to various cultures and beliefs over the past few years, I found myself specializing in working with persons as i am: living multicultural and with migration background. 

My sessions are held in Romanian, English or  German.

My curriculum

  • 2023 - 2024 - Systemic Counseling for Individuals, Families and Couples
  • 2023 - 2020 -  M.S.c Clinical Psychology and Psychological Empowerment, MEU University, München. BDP certified.
  •  2021 - Sexual Therapy, Sexology Institute, Romania  
  • 2021- Motivational Interviewing Training, USA
  • 2020-2019 - Human Resources development, Deutsche Akademie für Management, Berlin
  • 2020 - Psychological First Aid, John Hopkins University
  • 2020 - Gestalt Therapy Techniques, John Academy, UK
  • 2019-2016 - University of Psychology, BSc,Bucharest
  • 2017-2016 - Transactional analysis, Bucharest